Victoria Arnold about Hare Krishna devotee Andrei Sysolyatin. 1 March 2017 - 8 August 2017
Devotees Brave War-Torn Ukraine to Provide “Food For Life” (Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on Feb. 20, 2015)
The war in Donbass and the situation with Vaisnava Refugee (An Appeal from Niranjana Swami)
Chronicle of Vaisnava work with refugees (Ukraine, July 2014)
The Ukrainian Devotee Refugee Center Reaches Its Full Capacity (Krishna Lila Dasi for ISKCON News on July 25, 2014)
Ukrainian Devotees Distribute Krishna's Message in War Torn Region (Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on Dec. 19, 2014)
ISKCON GBC Executive Committee's Letter to Ukrainian Devotee Refugees. July 23, 2014
Update on the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis (Krishna Lila Dasi for ISKCON News on July 17, 2014)
ISKCON Devotees Flee War Affected Eastern Ukraine (Krishna Lila Dasi for ISKCON News on July 15, 2014)
Vladimir Radyuhin. Russian scholars come out in support of Bhagavad Gita translation // The Hindu. March 1, 2012
Facing 'ban Gita' case, Hindus build Krishna temple in Moscow. New Delhi, December 25, 2011
By Felix Corley, Forum 18:
Note 1. Felix Corley about Bhagavad Gita Trial. 10 October 2011
Note 2. Felix Corley about Bhagavad Gita Trial. 2 December 2011
Note 3. Felix Corley about Bhagavad Gita Trial. 5 January 2012
Note 4. Felix Corley about Bhagavad Gita Trial. 21 March 2012
The Ombudsman of Tomsk Urged the Initiators of the "Bhagavad-gita Trial" to Come to Their Senses (Contributor for on Oct. 14, 2011)